For more relevant news in the cyber security & tech fields SUBSCRIBE to cybernews 👉 👈 Not only global powers extend their aggressive militarism into the cyber domain. This is more than apparent today, as Hamas, a militant Palestinian group is slowly becoming a threat actor capable of massive offensive operations. According to the Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative, this is being overlooked by counterterrorism groups and cyber analysts worldwide. This is truly surprising, considering that Hamas have been active in cyberspace for quite a while now. In 2012, it initiated a successful cyber espionage campaign in Israel during the 2012 FIFA World Cup, reaping reams of data from visitors of the event. Later, it succeeded in infecting devices of Israeli soldiers, collecting sensitive information about various Israel Defense Forces’ bases, offices and military hardware. To make things worse, Israeli officials were inclined to blame the campaign on nation-state actors, such as traditional geopolitical nemesis Iran or even China. The possibility of a small group like Hamas being the culprit was completely overlooked. Lately, the danger of Hamas is being recognized, at least by Israel forces, that deemed Hamas’s cyber attacks threatening enough to launch an assault against it. In 2019, Israel forces carried out a strike to destroy Hamas’s cyber headquarters. And yet, Hamas’s cyber operations continue to this day and according to Israeli threat intelligence company Cybereason, the group’s approach only gets more sophisticated and dangerous. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About us: our dedicated team of security researchers and investigative journalists regularly delves into previously unexplored depths of online security and privacy in order to shed light on stories that often have an unseen influence on the online world at large. A number of our investigations and reports have been featured by industry-related publications and global news leaders like Forbes, PC mag, and Techradar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep up to date with the latest news: ➡️ Visit our site ➡️ Check out our merch ➡️ Facebook ➡️ Twitter ​ #cybernews